Join me in Soaring With Dragons! 

Wisdom is the ship that will carry us through all troubles, with tears and determination. Hope is the sail that propels the ship, battening down when the winds are too strong, unfurling again at the slightest change in circumstances. And love is the wind that moves us through the waters.

Soaring Dragon used to focus on health and wellness. The menu shows two pages summarizing good advice on how to get healthier and be happier.

My focus has shifted away from consulting and books on health, to equally-high-quality science fiction. Most of this website is devoted to the Pan-Galactic Planetary Confederation, including the 7-novel story arc featuring Kim Arai-Kemal, and the two (2025 release) novels featuring her sisters Megume, Ada and Noor, and other beloved characters from the Kim arc. A collection of short stories in the Arai-Kemal universe will also be released in 2025.

Art by Rick Baird illustrates people and places from the novels.

“ We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”
— Thornton Wilder