This is the Kazier language (kazierbon’gea)… we haven’t added the new vocab from the last 2 books yet…. Reader feedback encouraged us to make them more obvious in context.
amar The color deep red
amar’inkst Radiation: near infra-red; “heat” to a Human; denotes sadness in Kazier
ambarti garden
arco’ti’inkst Radiation: microwave; heat twitches in Humans; denotes happy/contented Kazier
babajati serious discussion; negotiation
baba’nikoska’e condolences
Basiket’sk room reserved for Security, Captain; monitoring only by Security Commander.
basnetz smell, odor; organs of smell, scent. Kazier don’t smell much.
batz’etsk Part of the Kazier propulsion system. If we explain it, we’ll have to kill you.
beninga nectar favored by Kazier elite
benighar cute Shen creature found in nature reserves (see art page)
bon’gea language (literally: tool (gea) for speech)
bradifa’inkst Radiation: Mid and far-infrared; conveys happiness, humor, chagrin among Kazier
brantesk Archaic: Shadow Warrior. See himgal.
cha to travel, go
cha’hak to escort; escort
cha’hak’na One who escorts (me); formal.
cha’hak’ne Imperative: Escort me! or Go with (him/her) (be escorted!)
dacti One Shen-standard ‘day’
dagu Idiot, fool
dawal Species that surrenders without fighting; member of a that species. Coward.
dedon hatred
devrat Flying predator of Shen; extinct in wild
di Neutral Yes; a color, similar to ConFleet teal.
didacti 10 dacti/days. Kazier count in didacti until fractions of a shezdidacti makes more sense.
di’hakgea Ships main offensive battery; energy is teal-green.
Di’hak is a hand-held version. Literally: “teal-comes-along-tool”
diza Imperative: Come (with me). Used when status difference is significant vs. cha’hak.
diza’inkst Millimeter-wavelength radiation (inkst). Caused by excitement or fear.
doch Literally: “one senior to me.” Sir/Ma’am in the military
doji ‘We’ as expression of responsibility-for.
doji’ka ‘We’: you + me, plus the groups we speak for.
doji’ilna Highest imaginable ‘we’: two governments.
elhak Glory; renown.
ennani Pale-blue plant extract, used for nectar.
eshat Amazing!
evmat 1st level honorific: Ensigns; Lts; Lt. Cmdrs
fanta I understand; you understand
fanta’utne I don’t understand
fanta’t Know (facts); aware of; I or you forms
fanta’t’utne/’ze I don’t know; you don’t know (facts)
gahla’watgea Kazier interrogation device (serious torture)
garhex’t Gem trees of Shen
garth 1/4
ga’wat Handheld stunner used by Security
gea Tool; weapon. root combined with many concepts.
griz’ka Be sensible (v)
griz’ze Sensible (n)
halas Emphatic No
hamgal’t Treason; corruption by someone in position of trust; scheming against lawful authority
Same root as ‘Himgal’
hamgal’tit’ne Traitor
hasta Shen animal, live on nature reserves. Vat meat.
himgal Literally: Shadow Warrior: a spy.
hu’et A person that you have a contract for reproduction with; short-term spouse.
ilnajan The highest level view of a situation; strategy
ilnaksha Ally. “one who stands by your side in battle” pl: ilnakshat
Ilna’mat Greatest Lord; 1st Lord; informal term for Emperor
Ilnasadhar’mat Emperor. Other forms for specific situations and purposes
Ilsha’gea Formal Alliance. “tool for the strongest standing together”
Ilshata Ally in a temporary task or with reservations
Ink’bab’jatis negotiator; (arch. Deliver analysis to superior)
Inkna’hot Science is the closest equivalent.
inkst Radiation (multiple types)
jajaja’gea Poetry. Lit: “tool for speaking for ‘effect’”
Jowento’ne Envoy (from an equivalent government)
Jowento’ne Nam The eventual PGPC Embassy (“envoy building”)
kam Kazier matter-transport (n, v). Color purple.
kas Enemy alien
Kas’donta’ne powerless one, species who begs for favors. A Kazier term for the PGPC.
kazhan Leader/manager of an official function.
Kaziertahmil Formal name of the species. They who uniquely exhibit tahm.
Kazierbon’gea Kazier language (bon’gea)
Konfabon’gea Confederation Standard language
kin 10
kino To sense, senses
Kiska’inkst Near-ultraviolet radiation (tans Human skin). Anger; threat; seriousness.
Kumgal Matnu “May the Triple Suns Welcome You (To the Eternal Fleet)”
Kazier death-blessing for military forces.
laana Approx 1.75 hours
Led Symbol, sigil, emblem (significant)
l’haki Pink plant extract, makes nectar
L’lora’tets planets, moons, asteroids, comets, stars, radiation emitted by neutron stars, lava.
makrest I order; to order
makrest’ne Obey me! (most imperative)
malk degrees of arc: circle; oval with low ellipticity
m’hak Perhaps.
m’hala No, factual
mikka Extinct in wild; vat meat
minka’ta’inkst x-ray, gamma radiation. Confused, anxious.
moch Emphatic Yes
mriva Raptor-like, nocturnal predator of Aveski
Nam Facility (signficant)
nasjet Jewel from garhex’t ‘trees’.
nat Duty, responsibility, orders. natv’mat’ha ‘Focus on your duty.’
natz’etsk Immediate(ly)
natz’kam Species in voluntary alliance with Kazier. Possible limited home rule. Adharans(example)
nide Negative note on one’s service record
nidra Measure of heat; temperature
Nirma’hak (lit sky-picture) constellation; word created by Kim and Maksen
rasna’kam Conquered, enslaved species. Fought valiantly so not cowards.
Rasnateal’kasi “The One No Enemy Can Defeat.” Invincible
rien You have permission; form of Yes. Rien’ta: given permission, allowed.
Rien’ha You do not have permission. Form of No.
Sadharam Empire: Kazier, PGPC (Konfa), Talfi (Talfa).
Sadharam Led Imperial Symbol, very intricate.
Sadharam Nam Imperial Residence compound
savati measure of distance
s’ganki Annoyance; annoying
Shen Kazier Homeworld
shez 2
shezmat Honorific for Cmdr, Captain, Commodore, Rear Admirals, lesser government officials
S’srist Expression of exasperation with a person.
tahm The quality that sets the Kaziertahmil people apart
Tahmnurit’gea “tool for increasing tahm” (various ways)
t’sklantava Clan. You are a member of the clan of your Custodial Parent.
t’shombe Insult: smart ass
uttanat “I will do my duty” (Aye, aye, sir/ma’am)
vabot port
Vabot’ries Shore leave
v’ka’mat Dishonor, disgrace
Vamna’moch “This need not be said/it goes without saying”; of course
vasrant Victory!
vib’cha’inkst Human visible light range, approx.
v’mat Filled with honor/tahm/the components of victory
Watjahot Garagni Engineering Off-Duty Area, only on Invincible (so far).
Watjahot-Inkna’hot Garagni after Science joins
ya’(h)as Alien who is not a kas/enemy.
Created by Temon, approved by Emperor, new word for PGPC people